Goalkeeper Coaching
Specialized goalkeeper coaching is very important in the development of younger goalkeepers. Cannon Soccer considers a strong work ethic to be the key to becoming an elite goalkeeper. We teach the building blocks of goalkeeping to give each player the direction he orshe needs to achieve success. Please contact us at CannonSoccer@gmail.com or (650)450-4311 to inquire about all training opportunities.
*** prices vary between sessions depending on coach availibilty
Private Lessons- One-on-one with a Cannon Soccer staff member. Topics covered include footwork, diving, and handling. Drills and instruction will be based on skill level of goalkeeper. These sessions tend to focus on technique to ensure the proper foundation is set for the young goalkeeper.

(75 min per session)

Semi Private- Two to three campers work together with one Cannon Soccer staff coach. These sessions can be a little bit more dynamic with goalkeepers pushing one another. The basic topics of handling, footwork and diving will also be covered.

(75 min per session)

Group- Group lessons consist of 4-6 players. Group topics will be dictated by the skill level of the group. If proper technique of the basics is already possessed (footwork, handling, and diving), then we will be able to focus on other important aspects, such as high balls, breakaways, and distribution.

(75 mins per session)


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