About Us
Hello, and thank you for visiting CannonSoccer.NET.  After being a part of the bay area soccer scene for over 25 years, I have decided to start a new and exciting business to help promote the development and growth of the young soccer player.  Here in our first year, I am trying to establish a new choice for parents and younger soccer players to help them develop their passion for the beautiful game of soccer. After playing professional soccer in the United States for over ten years, it is amazing to hear how many of my teammates are looking to coach in the community.  The problem is that they do not know where to start.  On the other hand, there are lots of parents and youth soccer players looking for professional, knowledgeable, and passionate coaches to help inspire and teach the game of soccer.
Cannon Soccer combines these two needs in an effort to become the best place in northern California to provide coaching for the younger soccer player.  Each staff coach has been hand picked by me to ensure your son/daughter is learning from passionate individuals who will not only challenge the player to learn, but to also inspire the player to develop their own passion for the game.  All sessions are guaranteed and feedback is considered very important especially since this is a new venture.
This summer we will offer at least 1 full soccer camp and 2 goalkeeper camps.  Additionally, we are providing private lessons, clinics, and team trainings for players of all ages and skills.  There are drop in times starting in May for goalkeepers, and we will hopefully provide the same for our field players.  These drop in sessions are the only lessons we offer in advance and their attendance is on a first come first serve basis.  Other lessons will be set up by parents and players looking to improve their skills.  We will do our best to accommodate parents and players but please remember the schedule of most coaches is that of the San Jose Earthquakes and is subject to change based on the demands of the team. 
Finally, Cannon Soccer is committed to not only to the game of soccer, but to the bay area community as well.   We are willing to offer scholarship opportunities to parents who may find our rates to be above their means.  We also will be donating portions of our profits to the Independent Peer Socialization Training Program which helps students with autism and other neurological disorders.  To learn more about this program, please go to www.ipstp.org. 
Well I think that’s it for now.  Please do not be afraid to contact me or any staff coach at CannonSoccer@gmail.com for any questions, concerns, inquiries regarding our site or the beautiful game. The most important move in soccer is the next one.  Make sure your son or daughter’s next move is Cannon Soccer! Thank you for your time and best wishes for the upcoming Spring and Summer soccer seasons!!
Joe Cannon